The online home of Andrew Joyce

Writing Life: it’s already been done

Dear Writer,
So often I find myself writing to prove something. That I’m creative, maybe, or that it’s not a waste of time to spend hours and hours in imaginary worlds. Sometimes I write to prove to myself that truth is real and that it ought to be pursued. Other times I write because I have to prove my own worth, prove my own value, contribute something to the world before it’s too late. I fret about my life slipping away before I can do anything with it.

And then I realize.
This whole life, these twenty-odd years that have filled my brain ever since I remember, are nothing but a post-script.
The real story has already been told when Christ on the cross lifted my shame and gave me life again. This life, and your life, and her life, and his life, everybody’s life, is nothing but a post-script on the greatest story ever told.

Like the moon, we’re nothing but reflectors of the blazing light of the Sun.

So when you write, don’t write to prove yourself. Write to reflect the light of the world on the world. Write to image the face of Christ in every breath you take. Write in the confidence that no matter what you do, no matter how you may fail, he has written it all. He knows your story, and he has enveloped you in His story, that bigger and more perfect picture that is summed up in the bread and the wine, given. For you.

Write in that strength.


Mentions from Around the Web:

  • amy says:

    This random, burnt-out writer is quite thankful for this. πŸ™‚

  • Andrew Joyce says:

    Thanks, Amy!