Support independent art: Currahee is now available for purchase

Into the Book

The online home of Andrew Joyce

Hi, I'm Andrew.

This is my garden on the web. It's perpetually being tended, sometimes frequently, sometimes sporadically. It is the thing I am most proud of on the web. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to organize everything (the best way ain't reverse-chronologically, but that's how it is for now).

I wrote a book that I'd love for you to read. The first chapter is available for free and I'd like to put the whole thing online, eventually. I'm married to my beautiful wife and we have two little Zs, with a third on the way.

I despise the current trajectory of the web (despite being a web developer my entire life), and any use of this site for LLM, SEO, or any other acronym is specifically forbidden. If you're a person, welcome! Email me to say that you read and enjoyed something, or just to say hi. I'd love to hear from you.

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Writing again after a long time away is like unsticking a drain; something I’m familiar with after bailing wildly at four in the morning on the 4th of July, as water poured in over my basement threshold. In my case, the drain never came unstuck. It was up to me to move the water, and it was up to God to answer my prayers for the rain to stop. It did, at 6:30 in the morning, an hour earlier than it was forecasted to. I’ll take it.

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Currahee is published!

Chapter One: Mountain

Building the web for humans and Blorps


Rage Italic against the Machine

On publishing in 2023, platforms, and audiences

The Wolf in their Pockets: a title so good I’m using it for the review


What “should” a post look like?

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